Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Chapter 6 Notes

Chapter 6 - Graphic Tools

Types of graphics
> Bit-mapped
o .bmp
o Very low quality
o 8 – 24 colours
o Paint programs
o Pixelate easily

> Vector
o Do not pixelate
o Some clip-art (Word, Office, etc)
o Easily edited or combined
o Adobe Illustrator
o C.A.D. programs (computer assisted drafting)
o Drawing programs (Corel)

Clip Art
> Saves time
> Diminishes creativity
> Do not let kids use it!!
> Copyright

File Formats
> .jpeg – .jpg - .jpe
o Millions of colours
o Large file sizes
> .gif 
o Developed for the web
o 256 colours
> .bmp
o Yucky

Design of Instructional Materials
> Support the important points you are trying to get across

Line Drawings
> Thick bold lines for emphasis
> Text 
o Normal fonts
o Bold, italics, underline styles

Monday, February 22, 2010

Chapter 6 - Smartboard Notes

Chapter 6 Complete_1

Chapter 6 - Podcast

Chapter 5 Complete - Podcast

February 21-27 is Freedom to Read Week!

As a teacher, you will encounter the issue of censorship within schools (for example, from banned books to internet filtering).

Freedom to Read is a website that provides information and resources on censorship issues in Canada.

When the Censor Comes is a booklet designed for educators that offers information on censorship and dealing with would-be censors.

What do you think of this?

Last month, the Merriam-Webster's 10th Collegiate Edition dictionary was banned in a Californian elementary school classroom. It has since made its way back to the shelves, but with strings attached:
"...return copies of the dictionary to fourth and fifth grade students, along with a letter to parents asking for signed permission to allow their children to use them. Teachers will maintain a list of those students allowed to use the dictionary."
Banned Dictionary Returned to Shelves

Check out the Entourage eReader

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sidney Crosby with Shaun Majumder

This is a great math lesson!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Feb. 10 - Chapter 3 Part 3

Chapter 3, Part 3
  • ICT/TQS – Information Communication Technology/ Teacher Quality Standards
  • TQS - Responsible for the first three pages
    -Technology, Section J
    -Interim. Teacher’s Certificate
  • ICT – Three Sections

  • Technology Timeline
    -1890 - The first census machine was made and used in the United States. This was used to count the population.
    -1945 - E.N.I.A.C.
    -Weighed 30 tons
    -Apartment sized
    -Cost $500,000.00 to build
    -Used to calculate firing variables (Bomb Calculator)
    -Used punch cards
    -Used vacuum tubes that would heat up to 174,000 watts.
    -1951 – Transistor
    -Miniaturized computing
    -1969 – ARPAnet
    -Grandpa of the internet
    -Scientists in the military could still communicate in the occurrence of nuclear bombs
    -1975 – Computer Kits
    -Available at the corner store
    -1977 – Apple came into existence
    -Commodore – 8 bit computers
    -1982 – Year of the computer
    -Time magazine
    -1982 – MS- DOS released
    -1984 – Apple introduced the Macintosh
    -128 kb.
    -G.U.I. (Graphical User Interface)
    -1987 – Hyper Card
    -Hyper Studio
    -Original Power Point
    -Intro to multimedia
    -1990 – C.E.R.N.
    -Tim Berners Lee
    -Invented the World Wide Web (WWW)
    -1990 – Microsoft releases Windows 3.0
    -1993 – Apple introduced Power Book (the first laptop)
    -Weighed 7 lbs
    -1/7th of a cubic ft
    -36 mb RAM
    -1993 – MOSAIC (first web browser)
    -Allowed you to use links, pictures... (graphical web browser)
    -1997 – Intel
    -Invented the Intel Chip
    -Is the brain of the computer
    -Can do a trillion calculations per second
    -667 million calculations in the time it takes a bullet to travel 30cm/1ft
    -2009 – Web-Enhanced Smart Phones
Thanks to Conor for the posting.

    Monday, February 8, 2010

    Feb. 08 - Smartboard Notes

    Chapter 3 Part 2 Notes

    Feb. 08 - Podcast

    Feb. 08 - Bubbl Mind Map

    Feb. 08 - Chapter 3 Part 2 Notes (taken with a Pulse Pen)

    Here is a pencast of the first 1/2 hour of chapter 3 part 2 notes...

    EDIT 302 Ch3 Pt2
    brought to you by Livescribe

    and here is the rest...

    EDIT 302 Ch3 Pt2 - 02
    brought to you by Livescribe

    Feb. 08 - Wordle Image

    Wordle: Frozen Ghost - Dream Come True

    Feb 08 - Notes Chapter 3 Part 2

    One of the reasons we need to integrate technology into our teaching and teach kids how to use the technology appropriately is the fact that technology permeates everything we do.

    Tools – Technology is just a tool, no more important than any other tool we may use.
    Example: A carpenter uses a hammer (tool) and the result is a house.
    Example: A teacher uses many tools (marker, white board, paper, blocks etc.)
    Example: A painter uses a paint brush, result is a picture. The brush is the medium

    Most of what has changed about technology in the classroom is the where, what, who, when and how.

    Technology integration cannot occur in a text based curriculum. Text based curriculum is “read the book, answer the questions”. Technology integration can occur in a project based curriculum.

    One of the major misconceptions about computers is that when they were introduced, people thought they would revolutionize the educational world. Why hasn’t it happened?
    - Not enough time
    - Teachers don’t want to go out of their comfort zone
    - Teacher training, not enough training to take you to the next steps after your degree
    - Not enough money
    - Parents don’t agree with new ways of learning ( it’s not how they learned it when they were students)

    Information Technology: The application of a tool to solve a problem (related to information)

    Tools extend human capability ***TEST QUESTION***

    What is the most dramatic change in computing today?
    - The amount of information
    - There is more information in a Sunday New York Times than before the 17 hundreds (before the printing press). Human history was passed down through stories; most people couldn’t read or write. First book printed: The Bible.

    What kinds of skills do learners need today?
    - Problem solving
    - How to search, evaluate, create, and collaborate/share.

    Technology: is the deliberate ingenious effort to create select, adapt and apply tools to a task or problem at hand.

    Saturday, February 6, 2010

    Friday, February 5, 2010

    Feb. 05 - Podcast

    Wordle - Feb. 05

    EDIT 302 Wordle

    Notebook 10 For The Amazing Mac Users :)

    Hey Everyone,
    So I don't know how many of you are Mac users - But when I downloaded the Mac version of Notebook 10, and I went to go enter the license key that we were given in class the other day, it didn't work!

    So I emailed Smartboard, and they said that this one should work. I haven't got a chance to try it yet but I have a good feeling :)

    License key: NB-AECAC-BAHRE-SN38D-QCB2I

    Wednesday, February 3, 2010 has good stuff for K-12 teachers (and their students)!
    • Find teacher and student resources that support the Alberta Programs of Study
    • Find magazine and encyclopedia articles through Online Reference Centre
    • Create your own Workspace to save your resources for later
    Check out the Info from Sona section in Blackboard for top secret access information!

    DabbleBoard - CI


    Thanks to Janene for being my Dabbler in class!

    Monday, February 1, 2010

    Feb. 01 - SmartBoard Notes

    Chapter 2 Part 1

    Glogster How To Video

    Feb. 01 - Podcast

    Feb. 01 - Brad's Glog

    Feb. 01 - Notes

    Chapter 2 Notes

    Instruction and learning

    Teacher Centered(Behaviourism) - Has the teacher delivering and planning the learning and teaching process
    - Computer as design tool (lesson plan, tests, newsletters) - Use the computer to create hard copies
    - Use the computer to present materials (smart board)

    Student Centered (Constructivism)
    - As an information tool to access, retrieve, manipulate and transmit information

    - Use technology on an “as needed” basis. (As needed meaning anywhere, anytime and anyone.)
    - The student is creator, the builder and the disseminator of the knowledge/ information not the teacher.

    1/3 Teacher learning 1/3 Student learning 1/3 Equal learning

    - Literacy is how a person manipulates sensory input (Dictionary)
    - Basic computer literacy. 3 Elements – basic computing skills (turning on), basic application (typing), computers in society (surfing the internet)
    Other Types of Literacy
    - Information – How to find, analyze and use information.
    - Media – Same as info plus understand and evaluate.
    - Computer – how to integrate technology into learning. How to best use technology.
    - Visual – Have the ability to interpret and understand visual messages and information. Also know how to create such information.
    - Integration – The ability to use a variety of technology and methods to enhance teaching and learning

    Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) TEST QUESTION!
    - Software that is “Drill and kill”. Canned software.
    - Tutorials
    - Games
    Everything Linear – Step by step process

    Curriculum Integration

    Theme or Main Idea