Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Ch. 12 Notes
Education and the Net
The internet and distance education can level the field for students because distance, personal appearance, physical disabilities, and special needs are not or are less important. This type of technology either eradicates the shortcomings or extends the users capabilities. Learning can take place anywhere, anytime, with anyone.
Evaluation of Internet Information
CRAPP Test: (Currency, Reliability, Authority, Purpose, Point of View)
Integrating net based tools into curriculum:
1. Email:
- Can communicate with teachers, add attachments.
- “Key-pals” (epals.com)
- Writing tool
- Research/Info retrieval
- Communication tool w/ experts
- Blogs/Wikis. Social collaborative tools
- Games/Entertainment
- Augment Learning - Learn Alberta Username: LPS22 Password: 8441
- My Space
- Google Docs
- Smart phones
- Texting
- Wordle
- Mixbook
- Glogster
- Animoto
- Bubbl
- MindMeister
- Mixbook
- Flickr
- SlideShare
- StickyBits
- VoiceThread
- Webs.com
- WikiSpaces
- Zoho
Cyber Safety
How I'd Hack Your Weak Password offers tips on how to make your password stronger. If you are using any of these top 10 commonly used passwords, stop now!
- Your partner, child, or pet's name, possibly followed by a 0 or 1 (because they're always making you use a number, aren't they?)
- The last 4 digits of your social security number.
- 123 or 1234 or 123456.
- "password"
- Your city, or college, football team name.
- Date of birth – yours, your partner's or your child's.
- "god"
- "letmein"
- "money"
- "love"
Please Rob Me raises awareness on the perils of location-awareness apps like Twitter, Google Buzz, and Facebook. They say that...
The danger is publicly telling people where you are. This is because it leaves one place you're definitely not... home.Cyber Safety in the Classroom
These websites have a lot of good info for K-12 teachers, including games, research, and lesson plans on media violence, privacy, copyright, security, and more:
Media Awareness Network, a Canadian non-profit organization
Stay Safe Online from the National Cyber Security Alliance
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Fact of Folly?
- evaluating online information
- copyright
- internet safety
- privacy
Also, find more on evaluating info on the Library Education Guide.
(cartoon from bLaugh)
Ch. 11 Notes
The Internet
• A collection of computers and computer networks on a global level
• ARPAnet: exchange of ideas and information
• The internet is as important to human history as the Gutenberg Bible (printing press).
• The internet was originally intended to help with the free exchange of ideas and info in a military and scientific context.
Internet Pros:
o Access any information anywhere, anytime
o Access to entertainment
o Links people/communicate
o Primary source material
o Convenient/Speed
o Makes things easier when it works.
o Increases Efficiency
o Awareness – global
o Greener
o Can buy anything
Internet Cons:
o Have to be really specific in searches
o Very little privacy and secrecy
o Distracting/addicting
o Too much information can be overwhelming
o Information accuracy (CRAP test)
o Crime
o Viruses Spam, etc.
o Deception
o Lazy/Impersonal
• The internet is not the WWW. Internet is the roadway, WWW is the car.
• Web browser (Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, etc): allows you to get onto the highway. Software that decode *html/htm. (Hypertext Mark-up Language)
• Web Pages have a unique address eg. www.facebook.com
• URL: Uniform Resource Locator (an address).
• http: (comes before the URL) hypertext transfer protocol.
• Index page is the homepage (.htm)
Monday, March 22, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Chapter 10 Notes
Chapter 10 Notes
Multi-media Tools
Ex. Ipod, video camera, overhead projector (power point), television, printer, smart board
-Involves text, sound, graphics, animation, and video.
Multi-media involve students directly in learning and problem solving.
- Is constructivism
- Uses all multiple intelligences
- Appeals to the learning modalities (visual, auditory, kinestetic)
- Increases learning & retention of concepts
HYPERTEXT- is a non-linear way of representing text (events).
- Multi-media’s grand poppy.
- Ex. Apple, Hyperstudio, Hypercard
Refer pg. 309- Advantages of Multi-media
Computer is a tool
- Extends human capability >Multi-media
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Forcier's Book - eTextbook
Richard C. Forcier; Don E. Descy, The Computer as an Educational Tool: Productivity and Problem Solving, Fifth Edition, http://www.coursesmart.com/givecoursesmartatry?xmlid=9780132081238&__instructor=2013479
Monday, March 15, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Chapter 7 Notes
Word Processer is a tool (Extends human capabilities).
The computer is the medium.
Tools are split into genera – Word is a Productivity tool.
- Learn better
- Learn More
- Helps teachers with repetitive tasks
- People are more willing to edit, rewrite and redo
- Columns
- Footer and headers
- Formatted
- Spelling and Grammar checker and Thesaurus
- Wraps lines
- Adds pages
- Helps create outlines
- Allows us to preview before printing
- Allows us to save in different formats
Editing function using key board
Different fonts for different effects
Size, Style, Type, Color,
Lettering Guidelines
- Use universal fonts
- Limit choices and amount of fonts
- 18 – 24 font size MINIMUM -> 36 ideal.
- Use appropriate spacing
A. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Chapter 4 Part 2 - Notes
Computer access and equity
Pen vs. computer/word processor
- Who has the advantage?
- Computer: Spell-check, neater, reference library, faster
- Whose work would be better?
- Pen: plagiarism, more creative, diagnosing learning disabilities
- Computer: faster, more likely to complete work
- Depends on skills that are to be taught
Who would be more willing to make changes?
- Computer: easy to change
- Gender equity
- Bias – boys are better than girls – is rooted in 17th century thinking
- Boys and girls have superior abilities at different stages of maturity and development
- Most of these biases are based on data collected when girls were restricted on the amount they were allowed to do
Intellectual Property
- “something conceived in the mind of an individual and made available to others”
- Copyright – protects financial interests
A.U.P. – Acceptable Use Policy (Network Agreements)
ICT Curriculum
- Communicating
- Foundations
- Productivity
Chapter 4 Part 1 - Notes
Legal and Ethical Issues
Social Context for computers in the class:
· All types of people use computers!
· IPP Individual Program Plan
Are educ. Plans set out how a child with special needs will have their instruction and or curriculum modified.
Students with disabilities
· Computer(Technology) can help meet the needs of these students
· Technologies that help these kids are called adapted or assisted technologies
· All of these are hardware or software
Talented + Gifted
· Talented + Gifted kids are at risk
· Bored = beh. Prob
· No recognition
These kids will drop out
· Technology can enhance the learning of all groups/types of students if used correctly
Sorry guys my Picture wouldn't post
Friday, March 5, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Chapter 6 Notes
Chapter 6 - Graphic Tools
Types of graphics
> Bit-mapped
o .bmp
o Very low quality
o 8 – 24 colours
o Paint programs
o Pixelate easily
> Vector
o Do not pixelate
o Some clip-art (Word, Office, etc)
o Easily edited or combined
o Adobe Illustrator
o C.A.D. programs (computer assisted drafting)
o Drawing programs (Corel)
Clip Art
> Saves time
> Diminishes creativity
> Do not let kids use it!!
> Copyright
File Formats
> .jpeg – .jpg - .jpe
o Millions of colours
o Large file sizes
> .gif
o Developed for the web
o 256 colours
> .bmp
o Yucky
Design of Instructional Materials
> Support the important points you are trying to get across
Line Drawings
> Thick bold lines for emphasis
> Text
o Normal fonts
o Bold, italics, underline styles
Monday, February 22, 2010
February 21-27 is Freedom to Read Week!
As a teacher, you will encounter the issue of censorship within schools (for example, from banned books to internet filtering).
Freedom to Read is a website that provides information and resources on censorship issues in Canada.
When the Censor Comes is a booklet designed for educators that offers information on censorship and dealing with would-be censors.
What do you think of this?
Last month, the Merriam-Webster's 10th Collegiate Edition dictionary was banned in a Californian elementary school classroom. It has since made its way back to the shelves, but with strings attached:
"...return copies of the dictionary to fourth and fifth grade students, along with a letter to parents asking for signed permission to allow their children to use them. Teachers will maintain a list of those students allowed to use the dictionary."
Banned Dictionary Returned to Shelves
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Feb. 10 - Chapter 3 Part 3
- ICT/TQS – Information Communication Technology/ Teacher Quality Standards
- TQS - Responsible for the first three pages
-Technology, Section J
-Interim. Teacher’s Certificate
- ICT – Three Sections
- Technology Timeline
-1890 - The first census machine was made and used in the United States. This was used to count the population.
-1945 - E.N.I.A.C.
-Weighed 30 tons
-Apartment sized
-Cost $500,000.00 to build
-Used to calculate firing variables (Bomb Calculator)
-Used punch cards
-Used vacuum tubes that would heat up to 174,000 watts.
-1951 – Transistor
-Miniaturized computing
-1969 – ARPAnet
-Grandpa of the internet
-Scientists in the military could still communicate in the occurrence of nuclear bombs
-1975 – Computer Kits
-Available at the corner store
-1977 – Apple came into existence
-Commodore – 8 bit computers
-1982 – Year of the computer
-Time magazine
-1982 – MS- DOS released
-1984 – Apple introduced the Macintosh
-128 kb.
-G.U.I. (Graphical User Interface)
-1987 – Hyper Card
-Hyper Studio
-Original Power Point
-Intro to multimedia
-1990 – C.E.R.N.
-Tim Berners Lee
-Invented the World Wide Web (WWW)
-1990 – Microsoft releases Windows 3.0
-1993 – Apple introduced Power Book (the first laptop)
-Weighed 7 lbs
-1/7th of a cubic ft
-36 mb RAM
-1993 – MOSAIC (first web browser)
-Allowed you to use links, pictures... (graphical web browser)
-1997 – Intel
-Invented the Intel Chip
-Is the brain of the computer
-Can do a trillion calculations per second
-667 million calculations in the time it takes a bullet to travel 30cm/1ft
-2009 – Web-Enhanced Smart Phones
Monday, February 8, 2010
Feb. 08 - Chapter 3 Part 2 Notes (taken with a Pulse Pen)
EDIT 302 Ch3 Pt2
brought to you by Livescribe
and here is the rest...
Feb 08 - Notes Chapter 3 Part 2
Tools – Technology is just a tool, no more important than any other tool we may use.
Example: A carpenter uses a hammer (tool) and the result is a house.
Example: A teacher uses many tools (marker, white board, paper, blocks etc.)
Example: A painter uses a paint brush, result is a picture. The brush is the medium
Most of what has changed about technology in the classroom is the where, what, who, when and how.
Technology integration cannot occur in a text based curriculum. Text based curriculum is “read the book, answer the questions”. Technology integration can occur in a project based curriculum.
One of the major misconceptions about computers is that when they were introduced, people thought they would revolutionize the educational world. Why hasn’t it happened?
- Not enough time
- Teachers don’t want to go out of their comfort zone
- Teacher training, not enough training to take you to the next steps after your degree
- Not enough money
- Parents don’t agree with new ways of learning ( it’s not how they learned it when they were students)
Information Technology: The application of a tool to solve a problem (related to information)
Tools extend human capability ***TEST QUESTION***
What is the most dramatic change in computing today?
- The amount of information
- There is more information in a Sunday New York Times than before the 17 hundreds (before the printing press). Human history was passed down through stories; most people couldn’t read or write. First book printed: The Bible.
What kinds of skills do learners need today?
- Problem solving
- How to search, evaluate, create, and collaborate/share.
Technology: is the deliberate ingenious effort to create select, adapt and apply tools to a task or problem at hand.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Free Audio Books For Your Classroom
Friday, February 5, 2010
Notebook 10 For The Amazing Mac Users :)
So I don't know how many of you are Mac users - But when I downloaded the Mac version of Notebook 10, and I went to go enter the license key that we were given in class the other day, it didn't work!
So I emailed Smartboard, and they said that this one should work. I haven't got a chance to try it yet but I have a good feeling :)
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
- Find teacher and student resources that support the Alberta Programs of Study
- Find magazine and encyclopedia articles through Online Reference Centre
- Create your own Workspace to save your resources for later
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
Feb. 01 - Notes
Instruction and learning
Teacher Centered(Behaviourism) - Has the teacher delivering and planning the learning and teaching process
- Computer as design tool (lesson plan, tests, newsletters) - Use the computer to create hard copies
- Use the computer to present materials (smart board)
- As an information tool to access, retrieve, manipulate and transmit information
- Use technology on an “as needed” basis. (As needed meaning anywhere, anytime and anyone.)
- The student is creator, the builder and the disseminator of the knowledge/ information not the teacher.
1/3 Teacher learning 1/3 Student learning 1/3 Equal learning
- Literacy is how a person manipulates sensory input (Dictionary)
- Basic computer literacy. 3 Elements – basic computing skills (turning on), basic application (typing), computers in society (surfing the internet)
Other Types of Literacy
- Information – How to find, analyze and use information.
- Media – Same as info plus understand and evaluate.
- Computer – how to integrate technology into learning. How to best use technology.
- Visual – Have the ability to interpret and understand visual messages and information. Also know how to create such information.
- Integration – The ability to use a variety of technology and methods to enhance teaching and learning
Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) TEST QUESTION!
- Software that is “Drill and kill”. Canned software.
- Tutorials
- Games
Everything Linear – Step by step process
Curriculum Integration
Theme or Main Idea
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Jan 27 - Notes
·Our senses help us learn and remember our world.
·We gain experiences through using our senses.
· Our five senses
1. Touch
2. Taste
3. Smell
4. Sight
5. Hearing
· Perception is relative, not absolute.
· Learning is most concrete when we use multiple senses.
· Procedural (muscle) memory.
-Riding a bike.
-Driving a car.
-Dribbling a ball.
·Read page 26 in text.
Bloom's Taxonomy
·Has been around since 1956.
·Benjamin Bloom.
·Have to know and give examples for the test.
·Used in understanding and testing.
Bloom"s New Taxonomy:
Great Link on Bloom's
Bloom's Resources
Appropriate Software
-Meets curricular needs.
-Always choose software before hardware.
-No dill and kill
-Should be open-ended.
·Effective Software
-Appeals to many senses.
-Must be toaster technology (easy to use).
-Must be interesting.
-Based on concrete experiences.
-Appeal to multiple intelligences and the learning modalities.
·Learning modalities
1. Visual
2. Kinaesthetic
3. Auditory.
·Software should be based on what they have already learned.
Thanks to Tamara for this posting!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
January 25 - Notes
Types of Intelligence:
Gardner’s Definition: “...A set of skills problem solving...enabling the individual to resolve genuine problems or difficulties....”
The two main intelligences used in schools are:
- Verbal Linguistic - Ex: Reading Comprehension Exams
- Mathematical Logical – Ex: Math Exams
Technology allows the use of all the intelligences
9 Intelligences: Be prepared to give examples of these intelligences and how would you incorporate them into a specific class (Ex. Social Studies)for the final exam.
1. Verbal Linguistic – Typing Tutor
2. Mathematical Logical – Number Munchers, Excel
3. Musical – Singing, Musical Instruments, Download Music, Apple’s Garage Band
4. Spatial –Artists, Architect, Photostory
5. Bodily Kinaesthetic –Dance, Smartboard
6. Naturalistic – Nature Walk, Digital Cameras on Nature Walk
7. Existential – Philosophical Questions, Ex. Religion, Research on the internet
8. Interpersonal - Group Projects, Chatting, Text Messaging
9. Intrapersonal – Personal Reflection, Blogging
Cognitive Styles
- Cognition deals with how we think
- Metacognition deals with thinking about thinking
- Myers – Briggs Test (MBTI) – It gives you a series of questions to answer. Depending on your answers, it tells you what career would be suitable for you. It measures cognitive styles.
1. Intrinsic – Personal motivation that comes from the inside, because you have a desire to do whatever you do. No one is forcing you to do anything.
2. Extrinsic – External motivation that you receive. Ex: Getting a gold star when you do a good job! It is anything that comes from somewhere else to motivate you.
A.R.C.S Model – Comes from John Keller
- Attention- Interacting with students
- Relevance – What you’re doing meets a goal or need
- Confidence – Being successful at something. You don’t want kids to “lose hope” by not providing them with activities to make them successful. So they will make their academic career to make your life miserable (they will be great at that)
- Satisfaction – The pay off! What benefits will come from your lesson. Will the student’s be able to understand where this info will benefit them.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Jan. 22 - Notes
EDIT 302-D
Learning Communities
*group interdependence
*team members rely on one another to complete the task
*BUT no one person can complete the task by themselves
*Examples – construction crew, sports teams, schools
*group identity – everyone needs to belong (William Glasser)
*Examples – mascots, teams
*individual accountability
*every team member has a job
*Two types of assessment
*No passive testing
*No rote learning
*Reflection over time
*Shows growth over time
Examples – portfolios , 2 types = showcase, comprehensive
*Short answers
*Project Based Learning
*Rating Scales (Likert) Ex. 1__2__3__4__5
Thanks to Janene for posting these notes!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Jan. 20 - Notes
Software that is Constructivist
·Open-ended - Microsoft Word, Inspiration, PC Logo, Video games (Halo, the Sims), Power Point.
Behaviourist software is...
·Not open-ended- drill and kill, Typing tutors, Rabbit games, number munchers
All learning takes place in three ways
Cooperative Learning:
·Most recommended
·Develops communication skills
·Develops higher order thinking skills
·Develops positive self-esteem
·Develops social awareness
·Creates motivation
·Group work develops tolerance
·All of these are real world skills
3.Competitively à Set ground rules, mix it up so everyone has a chance at winning, sometimes there doesn’t have to be a winner or a loseràdon’t let kids pick teams
Thanks To Kyle H. for posting his notes!!